Startpoint Called

Listens for an invocation of a Midpoint-deployed startpoint.

Triggers when a contract invokes the callMidpoint function on a Midpoint-deployed Startpoint contract.

Startpoint Called is used to trigger a midpoint from on-chain by making a call to the callMidpoint function in a Midpoint-deployed contract. Startpoint Called is used when creating oracles, data bridges, or any other workflow that begins with a contract on chain 'initiating' the workflow.

Using a Startpoint

Every chain has one Startpoint contract with the following two public functions:

interface IMidpoint {
    function callMidpoint(uint64 midpointId) external returns(uint64 requestId);
    function callMidpoint(uint64 midpointId, bytes calldata _data) external returns(uint64 requestId);

A Startpoint is triggered by invoking a call to the callMidpoint function and passing the Midpoint ID and optionally passing in a packed byte array _data. The startpoint contract will assign and return a globall unique Request ID to the caller. This can be used to associate a response transaction with the originating call.

Startpoints currently support intN, uintN, boolean, address, and string Solidity types.

Packing _data

The Startpoint contract expects all of the passed parameters (defined in variables) to be packed according to the following specification.

  1. Parameters are packed with Solidity's abi.encodePacked().

  2. Parameters are ordered according to the order defined in the StartpointCalledSource definition.

  3. Each string is followed by a Null byte, indicated with bytes1(0x00)

  4. No additional values are added to _data


  • A StartpointCalledSource is expecting a single int256 valued called X.

IMidpoint(startpointAddress).callMidpoint(midpointID, abi.encodePacked(X));
  • A StartpointCalledSource is expecting two string values called Y and Z.

bytes args = abi.encodePacked(Y, bytes1(0x00), Z, bytes1(0x00));
IMidpoint(startpointAddress).callMidpoint(midpointID, args);
  • A StartpointCalledSource is expecting three variables in the following order: a uint256 called A, a string called B and a boolean called C.

bytes args = abi.encodePacked(A, B, bytes1(0x00), C);
IMidpoint(startpointAddress).callMidpoint(midpointID, args);
  • A StartpointCalledSource is expecting no variables.


See Startpoints for detailed information on the Startpoint contract and deployed startpoing addresses.


    chainId: string
    contractAddress: string
    name: string
    datatype: string
extracts: [
    name: string
    from: string
excludeLogs: [string]

whitelist: Array of {string, string}. Array of chainId - contractAddress pairs. The Startpoint only listens for invocations to callMidpoint that come from a whitelisted chainId and contractAddress pair. A single Startpoint Called source may listen for calls from multiple contracts and chains simultaneously.

whitelist.chainId: See Chain IDs.

whitelist.contractAdddress: Ethereum Address. A valid 40-character Ethereum address prepended with 0x. Example: 0xEf1c6E67703c7BD7107eed8303Fbe6EC2554BF6B

variables: Array of {string, string}. Ordered array of variables that are expected to be passed from on-chain when this midpoint is called. String.The name to be assigned to this variable for use in future tasks.

variables.datatype: Enum[uintN, intN, boolean, string, address]. The Solidity type expected to be passed from on-chain. example: uint256

extracts: See extracts. Legal values:

  • Timestamp Unixtime of execution.

  • Midpoint_ID See Midpoint ID.

  • Request_ID See Request ID.

  • Contract_Address The contract address that invoked the call to the Startpoint.

  • Chain_ID The chain ID where the Startpoint was called.

  • Block_Number The block number containing the transaction making the call.

  • Txn_Hash The transaction hash of the transaction making the call.

  • Txn_Origin The EOA that initiated the transaction that made the call.

excludeLogs: See exclude logs. Legal values:

  • TaskDefinition The complete definition of this task at runtime.

Returned Values

The Startpoint Called source returns each of the variables listed under the variables field for use in future tasks - in addition to each field specified in extracts.


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Tips on Using Startpoint Called

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