The Base API for Midpoint.

To access the Midpoint GraphQL API, you must first get an API key by going to, signing in, and pressing the Generate API Key button.

Now you can use your own GraphQL tool or use

You must do two things to connect to the Midpoint back-end.

  1. Set the back-end to . In the online Apollo version, this is done by clicking next to where it says “Sandbox” in the upper-left corner and entering the string there.

  2. Set the Authorization header to the word "Bearer" followed by a blank space and then your API key. In the online Apollo version, this is done by clicking the gear icon in the “Sandbox” area and using the popup to set the header, so it looks like this:

GraphQL Mutation: createMidpoint

The createMidpoint query is a mutation that allows the creation of a new Midpoint object. This query takes an input object of type NewMidpoint, which contains a required name field.


type Mutation {
  createMidpoint(input: NewMidpoint!): Midpoint!

input NewMidpoint {
  name: String!


  • input: An object of type NewMidpoint that contains a required name field. This field specifies the name of the new Midpoint object that is being created.

Return Type

The createMidpoint query returns a Midpoint object. The Midpoint type is extremely complex but the object that is created is mostly blank, everything but the ID and name being empty or null.

Example Usage

To create a new Midpoint object with a name of "New Midpoint", you would use the following query:

mutation {
  createMidpoint(input: { name: "New Midpoint" }) {

This query would return the following result:

  "data": {
    "createMidpoint": {
      "id": 452,
      "name": "New Midpoint"

This indicates that the new Midpoint object has been successfully created with the specified name.

GraphQL Mutation: updateMidpointStatus

The updateMidpointStatus query is a mutation that allows the update of the status field of a Midpoint object identified by the id field. It is used to publish, un-publish, and delete Midpoints. This query takes two arguments: an integer id representing the ID of the Midpoint object to update, and an enum status of type midpointStatus, representing the new status to set for the Midpoint object.

If the status is set to publish, the Midpoint will automatically be validated (checked for errors that would keep it from working properly); if the validation fails, the Midpoint will not be published.


type Mutation {
  updateMidpointStatus(id: Int!, status: midpointStatus!): Midpoint!

enum midpointStatus {

type Midpoint {
  id: Int!
  name: String!
  status: midpointStatus!


  • id: An integer representing the ID of the Midpoint object to update.

  • status: An enum of type midpointStatus representing the new status to set for the Midpoint object.

Return Type

The updateMidpointStatus query returns a Midpoint object.

Example Usage

To update the status of a Midpoint object with ID 123 to "live", you would use the following query:

mutation {
  updateMidpointStatus(id: 123, status: live) {

This query would return the following result:

  "data": {
    "updateMidpointStatus": {
      "id": 123,
      "name": "Example Midpoint",
      "status": "live"

This indicates that the status of the Midpoint object with ID 123 has been successfully updated to "live". Note that the Midpoint object also contains the id and name fields to confirm that the correct object was updated. Of course, you can, if you need to, retrieve any other fields you want from the Midpoint.

GraphQL Mutation: createSecret

The createSecret query is a mutation that allows the creation of a new Secret object. This query takes an input object of type SecretInput, which contains three required fields: midpointId, name, and value.

Secrets are stored securely encrypted on our database. They are typically used to hold information that is needed for the operation of a Midpoint but should be kept confidential, such as API keys and passwords.


input SecretInput {
  midpointId: Int!
  name: String!
  value: String!

type Mutation {
  createSecret(input: SecretInput!): Int!


  • input: An object of type SecretInput that contains three required fields:

    • midpointId: An integer representing the ID of the Midpoint object to associate with the new Secret object.

    • name: A string representing the name of the new Secret object.

    • value: A string representing the value of the new Secret object.

Return Type

The createSecret query returns an integer representing the ID of the newly created Secret object.

Example Usage

To create a new Secret object associated with a Midpoint object with ID 123, with name "New Secret" and value "secret value", you would use the following query:

mutation {
  createSecret(input: { midpointId: 123, name: "New Secret", value: "secret value" })

This query would return the ID of the newly created Secret object.

GraphQL Mutation: deleteSecret

The deleteSecret query is a mutation that allows the deletion of a Secret object. This query takes an input object of type DeleteSecretInput, which contains two required fields: midpointId and name.


input DeleteSecretInput {
  midpointId: Int!
  name: String!

type Mutation {
  deleteSecret(input: DeleteSecretInput!): Int!


  • input: An object of type DeleteSecretInput that contains two required fields:

    • midpointId: An integer representing the ID of the Midpoint object associated with the Secret object to delete.

    • name: A string representing the name of the Secret object to delete.

Return Type

The deleteSecret query returns an integer representing the id of Secret object deleted.

Example Usage

To delete a Secret object associated with a Midpoint object with ID 123, with name "New Secret", you would use the following query:

mutation {
  deleteSecret(input: { midpointId: 123, name: "New Secret" })

GraphQL Mutation: updateMidpoint

The updateMidpoint query is a mutation that allows the updating of an existing Midpoint object. This query takes an input object of type UpdatedMidpoint, which contains four fields: id, name, source, and tasks. The id field is required, while name, source, and tasks are all optional. However, if any of these fields are specified, only one field of each TaskInput and each SourceInput can be non-null.


type Mutation {
  updateMidpoint(input: UpdatedMidpoint!): Midpoint!

input UpdatedMidpoint {
  id: Int!
  name: String
  source: SourceInput
  tasks: [TaskInput!]

input SourceInput {
  name: String
  definition: SourceDefinitionInput
  nexts: [String!]

input SourceDefinitionInput {
  startpointCalledSource: StartpointCalledSourceInput
  evmEventEmittedSource: EVMEventEmittedSourceInput
  cronJobTriggeredSource: CronJobTriggeredSourceInput

input TaskInput {
  name: String
  nexts: [String!]
  definition: TaskDefinitionInput

input TaskDefinitionInput {
  makeHttpRequest: MakeHttpRequestInput
  transactToEvmFunctionTestnet: TransactToEvmFunctionInput
  transactToEvmFunctionMainnet: TransactToEvmFunctionInput
  callEvmFunction: CallEvmFunctionInput
  shiftDecimal: ShiftDecimalInput


  • input: An object of type UpdatedMidpoint that contains four fields:

    • id: An integer representing the ID of the Midpoint object to update. This field is required.

    • name: A string representing the new name for the Midpoint object. This field is optional.

    • source: An object of type SourceInput representing the new Source object for the Midpoint object. This field is optional; if it is not specified, the value in the Midpoint will remain unchanged.

    • tasks: An array of objects of type TaskInput representing the new Task objects for the Midpoint object. This field is optional; if it is not specified, the value in the Midpoint will remain unchanged.

Only one value may be specified for any SourceDefinitionInput or TaskDefinitionInput object.

Return Type

The updateMidpoint query returns a Midpoint object representing the updated Midpoint object.

Example Usage

To update a Midpoint object with ID 123, with a new name “Updated Midpoint”, a new Source object, and a new Task object, you would use the following query:

mutation {
    input: {
      id: 123
      name: "Updated Midpoint"
      source: {
        name: "New Source"
        definition: {
          startpointCalledSource: {
            whitelist: [
                chainId: "5"
                contractAddress: "0xb794f5ea0ba39494ce839613fffba74279579268"
            variables: [{ name: "quantity", datatype: "uint256" }]
        nexts: ["Task 2"]
      tasks: [
          name: "Task 2"
          nexts: []
          definition: {
            makeHttpRequest: { urlRaw: "", method: "GET" }
  ) {

GraphQL Query: midpoint

The midpoint query is used to retrieve a Midpoint object based on its unique ID. The query accepts a single required argument id of type Int which represents the ID of the midpoint to retrieve.

You are only allowed to retrieve Midpoints that you own.


type Query {
  midpoint(id: Int!): Midpoint!


  • id: An integer representing the unique ID of the midpoint object to retrieve.

Return Type

The midpoint query returns a single Midpoint object.

Example Usage

To retrieve a Midpoint object with an ID of 123, you could use the following query:

query {
  midpoint(id: 123) {
    source {
      definition {
        ... on StartpointCalledSource {
          whitelist {
          variables {
          extracts {

GraphQL Query: myInfo

The myInfo query is used to retrieve information about the authenticated user. This query does not require any arguments.


type Query {
  myInfo: User!

type User {
  id: Int!
  name: String!
  email: String!
  token: String!
  midpoints: [Midpoint!]!

Return Type

The myInfo query returns a single User object that contains information about the authenticated user.


The User object contains the following fields:

  • id: An integer representing the unique ID of the authenticated user.

  • name: A string representing the name of the authenticated user.

  • email: A string representing the email address of the authenticated user.

  • token: A string representing the authentication token for the authenticated user. This token can be used as your API key.

  • midpoints: An array of Midpoint objects representing the midpoints associated with the authenticated user.

Example Usage

To retrieve information about the authenticated user, you would use the following query:

query {
  myInfo {
    midpoints {

GraphQL Query: validateMidpoint

The validateMidpoint query is used to validate a Midpoint object. The query accepts a single required argument id of type Int which represents the ID of the midpoint to validate.

The validation process checks for many errors that might make a Midpoint non-functional, such as:

  • an empty task list

  • a cycle in the nexts-path

  • a missing task int the nexts path

A Midpoint will automatically be validated when you attempt to publish it, but this query can be used to validate the Midpoint without publishing.


type Query {
  validateMidpoint(id: Int!): ValidationResults!

type ValidationResults {
  success: Boolean!
  errors: [String!]!


  • id: An integer representing the unique ID of the Midpoint object to validate.

Return Type

The validateMidpoint query returns a ValidationResults object that contains information about the validation results.


The ValidationResults object contains the following fields:

  • success: A boolean representing whether or not the validation was successful.

  • errors: An array of strings representing any validation errors that occurred.

If success is true, the errors array will be empty; if it is false, there will be at least one entry in the errors array.

Example Usage

To validate a Midpoint object with an ID of 123, you would use the following query:

query {
  validateMidpoint(id: 123) {

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